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Wisdom Tooth Removal

Rock Hill, MO

Wisdom Tooth Removal in Rock Hill, MO

Wisdom Tooth Removal in Rock Hill, MO. When you reach late teen and early adult years and your wisdom teeth begin to form and prepare to emerge, it's time to consider wisdom tooth removal in Rock Hill, MO. When you or your teenage to young adult child is beginning to get wisdom teeth or starts to suffer from oral health problems related to the development of these teeth, you need to talk with your Rock Hill, MO dentist about wisdom tooth removal in Rock Hill, MO and determine if it is something you need.

With a procedure like a wisdom tooth removal in Rock Hill, MO, you need a dental facility you can trust - one with qualified oral surgeons who have significant experience treating patients like you in their wisdom tooth removal and other oral health needs. Dr. John Martin Dental & Associates is equipped to deliver expert wisdom tooth removal that promises a smooth recovery and protection against future dental problems. Contact us today to learn more or schedule your wisdom tooth removal appointment Rock Hill, MO in advance. Reach us here.

wisdom tooth removal in Rock Hill, MO | Rock Hill, MO wisdom teeth removal surgery

Why We Need Wisdom Tooth Removal

We perform wisdom tooth removal in Rock Hill, MO largely as a preventative measure. When wisdom teeth start to form, they often crowd the mouth and lead to a list of possible problems. Wisdom teeth removal is used to prevent:

  • Impaction, or teeth that aren't able to break through your gums because your jaw is not large enough to accommodate them
  • Wisdom teeth that grow through your gums only part of the way. A layer of gum tissue can then grow over the teeth, becoming a pocket where food and bacteria can get trapped, inflaming the area and causing infection
  • Once you have an impacted tooth, you are liable to suffer from other problems as infection, damage to other teeth or facial bones, an abscess, or a cyst
  • One or more wisdom teeth growing in at the wrong angle - the top of the tooth could grow forward, backward, towards the inside of the mouth, or towards the cheek. This can be troublesome and lead to further dental issues and complications

Even if your wisdom teeth have already grown in long ago and you didn’t do anything about it when you were younger, wisdom tooth removal in Rock Hill, MO could be a good option for you yet. On top of protecting against potential damage, infection, and dental hygiene trouble associated with these teeth, wisdom tooth removal help manage and alleviate:

  • Pain
  • Infection or gum disease
  • Tooth decay in an erupted wisdom tooth
  • Tooth or bone damage
  • The development of a cyst near the wisdom tooth
  • Difficulty in other orthodontic treatments attempting to straighten teeth

What to Expect in Wisdom Tooth Removal

When you and your dentist consider a wisdom tooth removal procedure in Rock Hill, MO, the first step is to gather information and devise a plan for the procedure. At this point, you should do your research on wisdom tooth removal and ask your dentist any questions you have. The procedure is generally very low risk, but there are potential complications for which you are at a higher risk if you have an active mouth infection, immune system or other health problems, prescription medications, or if you are a smoker.

In preparation for your wisdom tooth removal, your dentist will take x-ray imaging to see where the wisdom teeth are and determine on the best way to perform the procedure. The procedure itself is a quick outpatient visit, and you will either receive given local anesthesia, IV sedation, or general anesthesia.

The wisdom tooth removal procedure:

  1. If necessary, the surgeon makes an incision in the gum to expose and access the wisdom tooth
  2. They will take out any bone that is blocking access to the tooth root
  3. Cut the tooth into multiple pieces to make it easier to remove
  4. Take out the tooth
  5. Thoroughly clean the site of the removed tooth, getting rid of any debris or small pieces of the tooth or bone
  6. Some cases call for stitches to close the wound
  7. Apply gauze to the extraction site to staunch bleeding and help the healing process

We offer full-service dental care at our facility. Learn more about some of the treatments we provide, listed here.

Wisdom Tooth Removal Recovery

Just like any kind of treatment, your recovery from the extraction will be unique. However, most patients will feel only slight pain and discomfort for about three to five days following the wisdom tooth removal procedure. It's important to closely follow your oral surgeon's instructions for care of the extraction site following the surgery. You may receive a prescription pain killer to help manage the pain. Apply ice on your jaw to reduce swelling, eat easy-tp-eat foods and stay hydrated but don’t use a straw, and carefully clean the site to avoid bacteria buildup.

In most cases, after your wisdom tooth removal in Rock Hill, MO, you can return to living life as normal in just a few days, with no follow-up needed. You should reach out and seek help if you experience anything troubling such as ongoing bleeding, a bad taste, numbness, or dry socket inflammation after a few days.

Wisdom Tooth Removal in Rock Hill, MO | Dr. John Martin Dental & Associates

Wisdom tooth removal is a common dental treatment that is used to prevent the significant issues that can come from the development of the back set of molars known as wisdom teeth. When you are in search of a trustworthy, reputable dental office to take care of your wisdom tooth removal dental surgery needs, there's only one choice: Dr. John Martin Dental & Associates. Contact us today at our Maryland Heights office at (314) 739-1222 or our Gerald location at 573-764-2425.